November 16, 2017

Innovative fire suppression and fire control approaches

This project aims to develop innovative fire suppression systems with practical fire control strategies. Fundamental understanding of the rapid evaporation of water mist droplets into steam and the co-flowing of inert gas such as nitrogen and water mists allows the development of a two-phase computational model to optimize the performance of hybrid suppression system. With the possibility of harnessing the energy released during the combustion of lightweight materials, the conversion of water into steam by the absorption of the energy released during the combustion process into the suppression system could lead to the development of a novel passive fire suppression system with high design flexibility. Innovative approaches to use existing water supply from the main feed-line in addition to dedicated reservoirs for existing suppression devices such as sprinklers will also be developed.



Critical assessment on operating water droplet sizes for fire sprinkler and water mist systems
Published in: Journal of Building Engineering
Authors: H.Liu, C. Wang, I.M. De Cachinho Cordeiro, A.C.Y. Yuen*, Q. Chen, Q.N. Chan, S. Kook, G.H. Yeoh

A novel stochastic approach to study water droplet/flame interaction of water mist systems
Published in: Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications
Authors: Hengrui Liu, Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Ivan Miguel De Cachinho Cordeiro , Yu Han, Timothy Bo Yuan Chen, Qing Nian Chan, Sanghoon Kook & Guan Heng Yeoh