Investigating a prospective light-weight fire retardant material with superior properties

Scientists from UNSW and ANSTO have characterised the structure of advanced materials, that could be used as a lightweight fire-retardant filler. Fire retardant materials can self-extinguish if they ignite. A team under Professor Guan Heng Yeoh, Director of the ARC Training Centre for Fire Retardant Materials and Safety Technologies at UNSW and Thermal-Hydraulic Specialist at ANSTO, are working to commercialise Read more about Investigating a prospective light-weight fire retardant material with superior properties[…]

New ARC Discovery Project – Engineered interlayers of bio-retardant and nano-reinforcement on polymers

Our ARC Discovery Project (DP220101427) entitled “Engineered interlayers of bio-retardant and nano-reinforcement on polymers” led by CIs Prof Guan Heng Yeoh and Dr Anthony Chun Yin Yuen has been successful (totalling 332.3k). In collaboration with PI Prof Jaime Grunlan @TAMU, we aim to develop a highly effective lightweight coating for polymeric materials, with the aid Read more about New ARC Discovery Project – Engineered interlayers of bio-retardant and nano-reinforcement on polymers[…]