Our new iCone Calorimeter is capable of characterising the flame retardant and combustion properties of materials including (i) combustion behaviour, (ii) mass loss rate, (iii) heat release rate, (iv) time to ignition and burning duration, (v) release rates of toxic chemical species and (vi) smoke concentration of any materials. The iCone Calorimeter also features interactive and intuitive interface, sophisticated control options and built-in data acquisition technology for robust data collection and reporting with the ConeCalc software. It is the most significant bench scale instrument in the field of fire testing.
List of Measurements:
1). Time to ignition (TTI), burn duration and time to extinguish
2). Heat release rate (HRR) time profile
3). O2/CO/CO2 gas monitoring
4). Soot mass concentration
5). FTIR gas analysis (i.e. NO, NO2, N2O, HCl, HCN, HBr)
List of Supporting Standards:
1). ISO 5660
3). ASTM E1740
5). ASTM D6113
7). CAN ULC 134
9). ISO 19702 (FTIR)
11). EN 45545-2 (FTIR)
2). ASTM E1474
4). ASTM F1550
6). NFPA 264
8). BS 476 Part 15
10). ISO 9705 (FTIR)