March 17, 2020
Congratulations to Mr Cheng Wang, who has submited his PhD Thesis, for his thesis titled: “The development and implementation of a population balance method-based soot model in diffusion flames”! Cheng is currently working as a research fellow at UNSW.
PhD Graduation for Mr Cheng Wang
Official Launch Event
July 11, 2019
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Fire Retardant Materials and Safety Technologies has been officially launched on the 2nd of July 2019. Partnering with government bodies, domestic and international companies and universities, this training centre will create knowledge on novel green and durable fire retardant materials, advanced fire models for urban and built environment, fire suppression technologies, and new flammability tests for compliance with fire safety regulatory standards.
July 01, 2019
The first Training Centre Workshop held on 1st of July, 2019. The theme of this workshop is “An Integrated Approach to Fire Protection of Building Materials and Structures”. It is a great opportunity and platform for academics, industrial partners and government agencies to get together share their valuable discussions on recent developments in fire safety technologies for enhanced public safety.