Congratulations to the Smart Fire Sprinkler (funded by Jacobs) in winning the Maker Games 2020

Partner with Jacobs Engineering (Dr David Lo Jacono and Jiayun Hao), the Smart Fire Sprinkler Team is the UNSW Maker Games Winners for the year 2020. The unique design of their bushfire prevention and fighting system “EMBER EYE” embraces advanced imaging processing, impact sprinkler technology, digital control algorithms and the effectiveness is verified by computational models. Big congratulations to team members Harry Hall, Nick Rozenauers, Samrath Acharya, Polly Yuexin Cen, Jiacheng Li, Clinton Zhang for their incredible effort and major achievements. Special thanks are also due to Kevin Duquette, Dipan Kundu (UNSW), and Anthony Chun Yin Yuen, Hengrui Liu, Ivan Miguel De Cachinho Cordeiro (ARC Fire) for their involvement to facilitate the success of this project.

More info on LinkedIn post:

Link for the competition (Ember Eye presentation starts at 2:01:10):